TWO4BRIDGE, on 2013-February-19, 12:52, said:
Making 13 tricks.
A few pairs who reached slam had West make the 4H rebid over South's 1S... and East went RKC ... or East opened: ( p ) - 1H - ( p ) - Jac2NT .... and West eventually went RKC .
One alternative bid I saw in the postmortem was a 3D-jump cue SPLINTER by Opener [ instead of a 3H ( or 4H )-jump ] , which no one used .
I consider the West hand as a game force after the free 1
♥ bid by partner. But I would bid 4
♦ as a minimal game forcing splinter raise.
♦ should be an invitational or better than game-forcing splinter raise. Responder treats it as game-invitational and bids accordingly. With a better than game-forcing splinter raise opener bids again over a signoff and moves towards slam opposite anything other than a signoff.
The West hand would be a better than game-forcing splinter raise if the
♣K642 were replaced by the
The West hand would be an invitational splinter raise if you took away one of the major suit Ks.
I am sure that East will move towards slam if opener rebids 4
♦. Once East confirms that his side has all of the keycards and a 10 card heart fit, a grand is possible. Follow-up RKCB bids will reveal the possession of the
♣K, and East can bid 6
♦ to ask if West has anything else if he thinks he needs more. The possession of the
♠K in addition to what West has already shown should be sufficient for the grand as East can count 13 tricks - 6 hearts, AK of spades, AK of clubs, A of diamonds and two diamond ruffs (assuming 2-1 hearts).
EW might still get to the grand if West has AKQJ of hearts instead of the K of spades. But it would be a little more difficult to count 13 tricks.