Phil, on 2012-May-22, 20:55, said:
Do you think its more likely LHO will take a call if we open or pass?
You phrase the question as if it is an argument for passing, but I argued above that it is an argument for bidding: overcalls are wider ranging than openings, so they will have a harder time, especially if partner also bids (which is more likely when we open the bidding).
Anyway, I am not sure what the answer to your question is. If LHO has 15+ he'll probably bid regardless. If LHO has 12-14 he'll certainly bid if we pass, but he might pass if we bid, especially with a balanced hand. If LHO has 11 or less he might overcall if we open, but pass if we pass. However, these hands are not very common given that we have an 11-count and the other two have passed.
All together I don't know the answer to the question. Given that your question seems rethorical, I suspect that you didn't give it much thought yourself.
Please note: I am interested in boring, bog standard, 2/1.
- hrothgar
bd71 writes "IMPs. Partnership agreement is for "light" pre-empts non-vul. 2/1 context: 2C is strong/forcing, 2D is weak/pre-emptive. Partner is likely NOT opening 11s unless they are Rule of 20. If it matters, you are playing a bad team in a 7-board segment of a Swiss. What is your call?"
IMO: 1♣ = 10, Pass = 7, 3♣ = 6
You don't expect to win the auction but your 1♣ bid may indicate a lead to partner or help the defence in other ways.
Against good opponents, 3♣ is worth more consideration.