Posted 2012-May-22, 06:48
Does partner have the ace of spades? It sort of seems so. Without a quick entry he might have started differently, for example he might have started with the Q of hearts. If declarer had Kx and I had Jx, this would work well. Also, after the first heart, partner was free to choose among the QT9 for his second play. Choosing the Q suggests an entry in spades.
Does the hand then play itself, making if declarer has nine tricks on top, failing otherwise?
There is the usual clue that the hand would not be posted if that were the case.
Suppose partner's shape is 2-6-4-1 and declarer can and does run his five clubs. Give partner Qxxx in diamonds, what does he pitch on the run of the clubs?
After four clubs, that's after seven tricks, he can hold A/Tx/Qxx. He holds cards to beat the hand. On the next club, what? If I have held my diamond 9, he can pitch another diamond. If I pitched a diamond then he must hold the diamond length and pitch a heart. If declarer reads it, he can now play a small spade establishing the king. Partner is in, but after cashing the heart he plays a diamond and no matter which diamond he chooses, declarer gets two diamonds and a spade. That's 1+1+2+5=9.
So I had better hold that diamond. Since I can also think of cases where I need to hold the clubs, namely if pard has, say, QT tight, I guess I have to toss two spades. I don't like it and it could be wrong, but it seems to me partner has advertised a spade card. I hope he has it.