1a) After the opps bid 1S-2D-2H-3C-3NT, partner leads the ♣J and you see ♠9 ♥K5 ♦AKJ986 ♣A954 in dummy. Your hand is ♠Q102 ♥963 ♦Q1054 ♣K82. Declarer plays the ♣4 from dummy. Do you duck?
1b) At the table I ducked. Declarer won the Q and played a diamond to the 8 which I took with the 10. What now?
2) Can you bid this small slam, or even the ridiculously lucky grand? (nobody vul, South deals). Your methods are weak NT, 4cM, RKC3041, cue bids show first or second round controls.
3) What to do with this (NS vul, East deals) after the bidding goes as shown?