Playing with randoms can be rewarding. It is generally better for your game to play than not to play (remember the 10,000 hour rule). But it requires remembering certain guidelines:
1. Have a sense of humor. There is no limit to idiocy.
2. Play only BBO SAYC. This means regular Blackwood.
3. With only a few exceptions, starred players can play at least a little.
4. If a player doesn't self-rate him/herself expert, they are usually not very good. Some truly awful players do self-rate themselves expert.
5. For pairs games, there is usually a cadre of decent players at the partnership desk. About 25% of those who want you to pay their dollar are decent players. You have to figure out which ones. One way to do this is to look up their hand records for the past month or two. If they are minus IMPs, no way. When you find out one way or the other, you can make a note of it on their profile.
6. Indies are jungle bridge at its finest. Your variance of outcomes will be large: +30 down to -30 IMPs in eight boards. You should still come out +IMPs over the long haul.
7. You can drink as much as you want. Nobody cares, and sometimes it helps.