Slam in Missoula #1 Choose your line
Posted 2012-January-16, 22:09
Here is a good play problem that came up in the Saturday afternoon pairs:
Both vul, South deals and opens 1♦. It continues (2♦) - 2♥ - (3♥) back to you. Right or wrong, you decide to jump to 6♣.
2D was Michaels, 2H was a good hand with clubs.
Unsurprisingly, they lead a heart, which will go to East's jack. Bearing in mind that hoping for even breaks in both minors can't possibly work, what is the best line?
Posted 2012-January-16, 23:47
If the J♦ actually holds the second trick I'd be tempted to go for overs by drawing trumps and hooking again but I'd need to be at the table to know for sure. Otherwise draw trumps cash AK♦ ruff out the Q if needed and overtake ♠ to get the rest of the ♦. If west showed up with 2 trumps I'd obviously rehook the ♦.
There's probably better plays but that's what I'd be likely to do at the table. Big danger on my line is that trumps are 5-0 and Q♦ is offside, and the tap me out in Hearts so I can't hook the T♣
Posted 2012-January-17, 00:06
Posted 2012-January-17, 01:34
bigbenvic, on 2012-January-17, 00:06, said:
I think this only helps if LHO has stiff Q, but means we can only take the ♦ finesse once. As it's MPs, I prefer your original line which I think gives better chances of an overtrick.
Posted 2012-January-17, 04:36
Thats a bad bet looking at bidding and spots, LHO is very low on HCP for a vulnerable 5-5 overcall. I´ll switch my line to this:
♣9 to dummy, run ♦J. If it holds ♣A, ♠K run trumps and ruff a diamonds, 13 tricks.
If it loses to the queen, will need a miracle in trumps, but saves undertricks at least
If its ruffed and a heart is returned ruff in hand, spade tu dummy, run trumps and ruff a diamond for 12 tricks
If ruffed and a spade is returned win in dummy, ruff a heart with the ace, and try to return in spades to dummy, needs LHO to be 5602. Will make 3♠, 2♥, 2♦, 5♣
Posted 2012-January-23, 21:35

Posted 2012-January-24, 03:27
Posted 2012-January-24, 05:01
For instance, he doesn't like being used as a human shield when we're being shot at.
I happen to think it's a very noble way to meet one's maker, especially for a guy like him.
Bottom line is we never let that difference of opinion interfere with anything."
Posted 2012-January-24, 06:32
Siegmund, on 2012-January-16, 22:09, said:
Here is a good play problem that came up in the Saturday afternoon pairs:
Both vul, South deals and opens 1♦. It continues (2♦) - 2♥ - (3♥) back to you. Right or wrong, you decide to jump to 6♣.
2D was Michaels, 2H was a good hand with clubs.
Unsurprisingly, they lead a heart, which will go to East's jack. Bearing in mind that hoping for even breaks in both minors can't possibly work, what is the best line?
This doesn't really seem like a problem hand, I can cross in spades and play the Jd. This wins against any layout with 55 in the majors on your left. Even if it loses to stiff queen you are cold unless lho has six spades. Crossing with a low club is a mistake as if the finesse loses to Qx a top heart will force you and you will go off to the 4-1 trump break.
The worst that can happen is lho is 5503 and ruffs the diamond J. Now if he returns a trump you win with the K, ruff a heart with the ace, cross in spades, draw trumps and claim, pitching once heart on the spade ace and one heart on the diamond K. The only real difficulty comes if the Jd holds the trick, as its tempting to finesse again. However, this temptation must be avoided, instead draw trumps play ak diamonds ruff one if necessary and overtake the spade ace. This gives up an over trick but protects the contracct against an insightful duck from Qx offside.
Posted 2012-January-24, 07:45
Instead, how about: ♣A, ♦A, low diamond? That's more or less 100% for twelve tricks. We've done quite well in the bidding, so the overtrick may not matter that much.
Posted 2012-January-24, 08:41

For instance, he doesn't like being used as a human shield when we're being shot at.
I happen to think it's a very noble way to meet one's maker, especially for a guy like him.
Bottom line is we never let that difference of opinion interfere with anything."
Posted 2012-January-24, 08:54
gnasher, on 2012-January-24, 07:45, said:
Instead, how about: ♣A, ♦A, low diamond? That's more or less 100% for twelve tricks. We've done quite well in the bidding, so the overtrick may not matter that much.
This is a good line. I thought this failed if oppo 2-1 in the minors, but it doesnt as if he ruffs in he has no trump to return. As far as I can see if fails only if the micheals bidder has a diamond void.
Unlike some I am not too worried about the spade ruff. If an opponent has AJxx hearts and a stiff spade opposite a micheas I would expect them to bid game. the 3H bid means he either has only 3h or two or more spades. Either way, not too worried about the spades being 6-1. If opponent is 66(01) he might have done some more bidding himself.