Dealer on my right opens 1♦, I overcall 1♥, 3rd hand passes. Partner sits and thinks for a while, and pulls out the "Stop" card. She looks at it bemusedly and says "I didn't mean that card, I meant Double". After we pointed out that she couldn't do that. She reluctantly decided to pass with her 4153 11 point hand. This. surprisingly, turned out to be one our better boards, as I made 1♥ +2 with all games going down.
The previous board against the same opponents had already told me this wasn't going to be a great evening:
The lead was the ♦K, and as I put down dummy I jokingly said "You'd better make this". And make it she did. Exactly. With no overtricks. She ducked the opening lead, won the small ♦ continuation with the T, played ♣AK and ♠A, and then played on ♥, with the opponents taking 3 more tricks before reluctantly conceding the rest to dummy. When the hand was over, she said "I was trying to get an extra trick. But I don't think it was possible."
This person has been playing many times a week for years. And she has a reputation of dumping partners who don't meet her expectations!