Posted 2014-August-29, 12:16
At mps, I think it clear to advance the heart Q at trick 3.
At imps, however, this may lose. I suspect there may be other losing lies, but certainly they can beat you on this line if LHO is 2=4=4=3 without the heart K. I think it requires a spade switch by RHO and then, when we drive out the club K, a spade continuation by LHO. I don't think we do any better by attacking clubs early, since LHO then leads another diamond, and we are wrong-sided.
edit: I think I was wrong here. Certainly they can't beat us by 2 rounds of spades if LHO was 2=4=4=3, since we win the second spade, play a diamond to the K, ruff a diamond with the 9, play a trump to the 8, cash the club, ruff the last diamond, and LHO is couped in the 2 card end game.
But my head began spinning as I pictured 2=4=3=4! Now, we can't ruff the last diamond, because LHO can overruff.
Which gets me back to the lead of the heart 9 at trick 3. Now, if they defend as suggested, we get to ruff the last diamond with the Q!!! No overruff. Which means that I still think the line I write below is basically correct, altho for a reason I didn't see at the time. end edit
I see several possibilities, but suspect that ATT I'd be unable to resolve the odds within any realistic time line, so here goes what I think I would do in real life.
Advance and run the heart 9, playing the 8 under it.
If it loses to the 10:
If they lead back a minor, I am cold.
Say they lead a club...LHO wins and plays what? A diamond? Win in dummy, ruff a diamond high, lead the heart 7. Unless RHO has K10 on trumps, we pull trump and claim 10 winners, 3 spades, 3 trump, 2 diamonds, a ruff and a club.
If they play a diamond, win, play a club. LHO wins and leads a spade? Win in dummy, ruff a diamond high, and pull trump with the aid of a finesse or two: we still have a small spade left in dummy to get back to our KQ.
If RHO switches to a spade: win in dummy. Play a club, to LHO.
If he was 1=4=5=3 or so, then he can't return a spade to attack my communications.
Say he plays a diamond. Win, ruff one high and advance the heart 7, planning to pull trump and claim.
So let's give him 2=4=4=3.
He exits a spade after winning the club. Now I can't ruff a diamond, pull trump and end in hand to enjoy the spade. So I have to ruff 2 diamonds and coup him.
Win the 2nd spade in hand, play a diamond and ruff a diamond high. Lead the heart 7 to the Jack and cash the club then ruff another diamond. We have played 11 tricks, and lost 3 of them, but we are in hand with a heart tenace over LHO. Edit: we don't ruff the diamond, the 1st time, with the Queen...we ruff with the 7 or the 6 or, if we had led one of those early, then the 9. We need the Q for the last ruff to avoid an overruff when LHO is 2=4=3=4.
If the early heart lost to the K, we are cold....we may need a variation of the play outlined above, but I won't waste time writing it out.
I think this line caters to just about everything other than K10 of trump on my right.
Leading the heart Q would almost certainly work. It prevails against just about everything that my line does.....except, as best as I can see, the 2=4=4=3 LHO hand, and even then in the real world the vast majority of RHO's would woodenly return a minor at trick 4. Firther edit: see above for my revised thinking
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