I recieved ♣2 lead. Knowing the GIB and for keeping WEST off the lead purposes i did not play Q, took the lead in hand. Played ♠K, East took and cashed ♣ K, and continued with ♦ Q , which i won in dummy and played a small ♥ to my J, East dropping 9 and west 2. I cashed ♠ Q and LHO discarded a ♣, and i go to dummy's J clearing last trump.
Now how to play the ♥ suit ? Anyone who knows GIB, West can easily have 4♥, they dont use neg DBL under certain hcp, especially when they have fit to minor.
Of course as the "GENIUS" player, i played EAST for K9 doubleton ♥, as if it was not my dumbself who was going first with % 72 score and needed a big board ! To score +170 instead of +140. Of course i got my "VERY WELL DESERVED" -100 instead, which reminded me of my famous quote in my card at BBO " Genius has its own limitations, however stupidity is boundless"