aguahombre, on 2011-May-02, 22:10, said:
I don't think that sequence is a good advertisement for your version of precision. It would seem that, with a forcing club system, the huge favorite grand should be a cakewalk. Without such a mechanism, we can't find out about the two bullets, the four hearts, and the spade doubleton (or queen) ---so we languish in six also. But, if we switched to a FC, this must be child's play.
I agree. The key is if you are using CAB, to do it in SPADES first. Your sequence uses RKC anyway, so why not ask in the one suit that really matters? My sequence would look like this:
♣-1NT 16+; GF 8-11 balanced (8-13 if UPH)
♦ Transfer Stayman; 4 card Heart suit
♣ Beta acceptance; 4 controls (A=2 K=1)
♣ CAB ask in Spades; Qx(x)(x) or xx. Don't need to ask further, as Spades have no losers; anyways, we have an agreement that if you must ask again, that 4NT is the asking bid over Hearts being trump.
♦ Kickback (RKC 0314 for Hearts); 2 but no Q
♥ FTW!
"It's not enough to win the tricks that belong to you. Try also for some that belong to the opponents."
"Learn from the mistakes of others. You won't live long enough to make them all yourself."
"One advantage of bad bidding is that you get practice at playing atrocious contracts."
-Alfred Sheinwold