Daniel1960, on 2013-July-05, 11:02, said:
I wonder which (mob) construction company is lobbying for those contracts....?
Either way, as the evil Dr. Pat Michaels pointed out at the hellish WUWT concerning the Nature paper by:
Dahl-Jensen, D., et al., 2013. Eemian interglacial reconstructed from a Greenland folded ice core. Nature 489, doi: 10.1038/nature11789.
from which he gleaned that:
One of the reigning myths in climate science is that interglacial temperatures in Greenland were about five degrees © above modern, causing a dramatic loss of ice and raising global sea levels about 6 meters (19 feet). Ice cores from southern Greenland in fact have wood and vegetation at their lowest levels, which are younger than the Eemian.
Dahl-Jensen found that the average annual temperature peaked at a whopping 8 +/- 4°C (that’s 7 to 22°F!) warmer than the recent millenium in the ice core during the Eemian maximum.
And still the ice survived. In fact, the top of the ice was only a mere 130 +/- 300 meters “lower” (actually from 557 feet higher to 1411 feet lower) than today. For perspective, her entire ice core was about 8,000 feet in depth.
Looks like the only rise to expect will be in taxes and the drop to the actual sea-level from the higher ramparts to be constructed.