gnasher, on 2010-November-03, 19:33, said:
At level 4. If I am reading this correctly:
( B ) Any combination of meanings which either:
(1) includes one specified suit of at least four cards; or
(2) has a specification which does not include holding at least four cards in the
suit bid, and does not include two-suiters where the suit bid is the longer
So, for 2D, it either includes a four card-diamond suit or it has a specification which includes diamonds but they are not longer they are equal length.
For 2H, it either includes a four-card heart suit or it has a specification where the longer suit, clubs, is not the bid suit.
Perhaps they don't mean that, and perhaps I am misinterpreting it, as it is a bit of a struggle! And the OP did say brown-sticker is fine, anyway.