European Open Championships
Posted 2007-June-16, 23:07
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Another interesting aspect in that bulletin is that the players are discouraged from appealing, unless they insist on losing their deposit. I don't think I have seen that before.
Any views?
Posted 2007-June-17, 03:18
If you don't want appeals at all, just make the TD's ruling final and scrap the whole idea of an appeals committee. (I'm not serious.... of cource one should have the opportunity to appeal.)
Posted 2007-June-19, 00:35
Walddk, on Jun 17 2007, 12:07 AM, said:
The Bulletin doesn't say that at all.
Quoting from the Bulletin:
"(NO) Appeals
The procedure to decide upon judgement cases is a very
careful one nowadays. Before taking such a decision TDs
consult each other and strong players to be sure that a
majority opinion is chosen. This means that an appeal
committee normally will support the decision taken. Only
in cases where fresh and relevant information becomes
available or the original decision was a borderline one
with the committee consider overruling it.
This means that in most cases appealing is useless and
money (60 Euros) could well be forfeited."
As in any bridge tournament, frivilous appeals can result in forfeiture of the deposit and/or some other sanction.
The regulations for the event are quite clear on this point:
"22.3 Deposits will be refunded if the appellant's case is judged to have merit, even if rejected."
I ♦ bidding the suit below the suit I'm actually showing not to be described as a "transfer" for the benefit of people unfamiliar with the concept of a transfer
Posted 2007-June-21, 01:03
The procedure to decide upon judgement cases is a very
careful one nowadays. Before taking such a decision TDs
consult each other and strong players to be sure that a
majority opinion is chosen. This means that an appeal
committee normally will support the decision taken. Only
in cases where fresh and relevant information becomes
available or the original decision was a borderline one
will the committee consider overruling it.
This means that in most cases appealing is useless and
money (60 Euros) could well be forfeited.
I interpret the last two lines differently than Dave Thompson. In effect, the committee is saying that you should not appeal unless you can afford to lose your 60 Euros.
Fortunately for the Dhondy mixed team they ignored that fact, appealed and won the championship after a drama beyond compare (I haven't forgotten USA v Italy when Versace left the table). 1600 specs were waiting in the vugraph room for 45 minutes last night European time while the AC was deliberating.
Posted 2007-June-21, 02:12
Walddk, on Jun 21 2007, 02:03 AM, said:
What a match, what a ♥A, what a drama!
Posted 2007-June-21, 10:51
Posted 2007-June-21, 11:00
doofik, on Jun 21 2007, 05:39 PM, said:
No team event today, it is the final of the Mixed Pairs.
Restarts again tomorrow with the round robins of the Open, Women and Seniors.
Posted 2007-June-21, 11:31
doofik, on Jun 21 2007, 06:39 PM, said:
The finals of the mixed pairs were scheduled initially. However, our operators at the venue needed some rest, and although all events are important, our coordinator decided that Thursday would be the best day for it.
The same is going to happen Thursday next week when we are (were) supposed to broadcast from the semi-finals of the open/women's/seniors' pairs.
We removed the 21st and 28th from our vugraph schedule web page yesterday. Sorry for the invonvenience, but I hope you understand that rest is needed during a tournament two weeks long, and in sweltering heat. They had 41C (106F) in Antalya yesterday and today, and it's not going to be cooler any time soon according to the forecast.
We will be back Friday with the qualifying in the O/W/S teams.
Occasionally, we get complaints from users who think we don't do enough, or don't do the things we present well enough. Thankfully, Fred, Uday and myself get many more from delighted people. Here is one example (among many) from the e-mail box today:
May I just say how much I appreciate the BBO service - it ought to be nominated for a prize for the best free internet service (if there is one).
Andrew Petrie
Posted 2007-June-22, 04:38

I needed that day off, hehe, and may I add, You are second to none
Thanks Roland and BBO !!
Thorben Nĝrgaard
Posted 2007-June-25, 05:13
Unless explicitly stated, none of my views here can be taken to represent SCBA or any other organizations.
Posted 2007-June-25, 10:29
Rossoneri, on Jun 25 2007, 01:13 PM, said:
I am going to open a new thread on this issue within an hour or so. Look for "Disconnects and Frustration".
Posted 2007-June-28, 07:04
Unless explicitly stated, none of my views here can be taken to represent SCBA or any other organizations.
Posted 2007-June-28, 07:18
Rossoneri, on Jun 28 2007, 03:04 PM, said:
TD's ruling: table result stands (-1210). No appeal since it would not have changed anything as far as the result of the match is concerned.
I did announce the rulling a few times during the following set (although we had the women then). Maybe you were not present at the time.