Real matchpoints tournament.
EW beginners
NS good players
EW vul
Dealer West
West opened 1 ♣ which was alerted.
North pass. (No questions asked)
East bid 1 ♥.
South asked opponents about their system and was told they are using precision club.
As all of us know 1 ♣ opening in Precision promises 16+ points and 1 ♥ answer promises 7+ points.
South pass. With his heavy 22 points hand and 3334 distribution he can see something strange is going on(16 points from West + 7 points from East + his 22 points is bigger than 40) but what to bid?
West 1NT.
North pass.
East pass.
South pass. In the favorite vulnerability 1NT from opponents looks like a good contract for him.
Prior to make lead North asked East to tell how many points declarer promised and was told 11-14!
As it happened EW played some kind of Polish club system, but they thought their system called Precision.
No calls for director were made in that moment.
North made unlucky lead and after non unreasonable (but not perfect) defence declarer made 9 tricks not a good score for NS.
Now South invited director. Souths complain he would double on the first round of bidding after the correct explanation.
Director decided to hold 1NW+2 for NS and assign 2♦= for EW.
Any comments?
1NT ... all pass